Konteksten med Patrick Bates

Skrevet af Rasmus Vestergaard
Udgivet 3 sep, 2024

Jeg er fascineret af dem, der vil bygge noget. Patrick Bates er en af de personer. Fra en chokoladefabrik i England til en spirende start-up i København har Patrick sat gang i noget, som er spændende at følge med i på LinkedIn. Udover sit eget produktionselskab, 4V Films, har han også i gang i CoHo, et “content creation house for start-ups”, hvor andre spirende virksomheder kan få skabt de billeder og videoer, der bedst formidler ens brand.

Patrick har gang i mange ting, så hvordan skaber han den rette kontekst? Svarene kommer her, og de er på engelsk.

What has been a creative “aha moment” for you?

I would say that realising almost any issue or friction that occurs in content production, from shooting to the final edit, usually occurs due to poor/rushed pre-production. Once I realised this, I took pre-prod very seriously.

How do you create the best conditions for your work?

The best conditions for me mean the space and time to reflect and gather inspiration. When I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed, creativity is diminished.

I try to gym, sauna, walk and use the time to be on my own and reflect on my thoughts basically. Holidays work wonders for that, too.

What book, movie, song or person has inspired you a lot during your career?

Hans Zimmer and Ludovico Einaudi, any cinematic masterpiece, this is what got me hooked on the power of visual meets audio.

The Interstellar theme is powerful! “Experience” by Ludovico is what got me into editing tho. I did my first edit for Audi to that track and fell in love with the process.

How do you maintain your edge in your field?

A lot of my time is now focused on building the brand and building systems in the business. So I’m not as in the trenches as I use to be when it comes to the creative side.

Regardless, I think protecting my time and reflecting often helps a lot. I hit the gym and sauna 3x per week and it resets my body and mind which I think is important to stay balanced.

To links, hvis du vil se mere fra Patrick?



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